Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Social Networking Sites

Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and Wechat are platforms that allow users to share ideas, pictures and videos. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking platforms in the U.S., but there are users all around the world. It is easy to stay in touch with local or long distance friends. Due to the popularity of facebook, many companies advertise on facebook which you usually see it on the right hand side of the page. MySpace is a little bit outdated compare to facebook. It is also a place to share interests. Twitter allows users to post words up to 140 characters by using hashtag(#) to form a topic discussion, at(@) to notify users that someone mention them in a post. There is another function is called re-tweet. This function is very strong when a super star post a tweet and all his/her fans would re-tweet it. Lastly, wechat is the one I like the most. I can share moments, send pictures, send or post videos or even voice/video chat with my friends locally or internationally. I never text message even since I started using wechat.

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